Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Since I added the extra fertilizer and have been also using my Miracle Grow spray almost every day, my little straw bale garden has finally picked up the pace. I even picked my first squash last night. Hooray!

I'm not sure what's up with my zuchinni...it has grown really big, and it flowers, but then the blooms just fall off. No zukes. What's up with that? Maybe that will change soon too.

My tomato plants have taken off. There are little grape tomatoes that are starting to change color, and the Brandywine is bloomed. My jubilee was very stunted; I thought it would die. It's still shorter than the other two plants, but it has really perked up lately. Hopefully that will bloom soon as well!

Also perking up are my Anaheim chiles. They've really grown, and now the one on the far left is about to bloom. Yay! Hopefully I can keep this up and keep everything that's left alive and producing. :)

1 comment:

Janet said...

Wow, those veggies look great! Sounds like the Miracle Grow worked!