Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Unhappy Plants

When I got home yesterday I immediately went out to check on my new straw bale garden. Unfortunately, I didn't find happy, healthy plants like I wanted to. Most of my transplants looked pretty pitiful...wilted, droopy, and generally unhappy. :( I watered them really well before going back in. I hope they'll look better this afternoon. Maybe I should use the Miracle Grow again...


Janet said...

Oh, "deer"... Transplant shock, maybe? That happens when you put plants in the ground sometimes, too. Hope they perk up quickly!

Heather said...

ya maybe they will perk up some.....I've had alot of plants look sad after actually planting them.

Patty said...

hello!,my first blog here! Want to say, that I'm praying for your plants to perk up, and that I'm with you on the ANTS!. Hows the borax doing? Or is it too soon to tell?