Monday, May 16, 2011

Attempts at Gardening: 2011 Edition

This year has been crazy from the beginning, including us nearly selling our house and moving, so I didn't think I would be planting a garden this year. Things changed, though, and we decided to plant some things at the last minute over the weekend. I hope we haven't waited to late. We shall see!

Yesterday, I prepped our raised bed which previously held my straw bale garden. I broke up all the soil and added in several buckets of compost from the pile at the back of our yard which used to be a tree. (I'm still bitter about that!) It became clear as I started setting things out that we had bought too many plants, so we resorted to adding the spillover into containers, including some recycled kitty litter buckets after Brandon drilled drainage holes into the bottom. They look a little redneck, but I'm being green, right? :D

I planted a black beauty zucchini, 4 Roma tomatoes, 4 Celebrity Hybrid tomatoes (2 in the bed & 2 in the Tidy Cat buckets), 2 jalapenos, 2 Serrano chiles (1 in the bed & 1 the large green flower pot), 4 basil plants (divided between the terra cotta pot & the rectangular planter), and some thyme, which is in another flower pot. Here is our little garden after I was finished. (Click the photo for a larger version.) Hopefully at least some of it will live and I haven't crowded things too much!